Al Donte Consulting Services

2456 S 217 St Elkhorn, NE 68022


DevSecOps encompasses a range of critical capabilities that empower businesses to improve quality, enhance efficiency, and accelerate time-to-market. It encompasses continuous integration, continuous delivery, infrastructure as code, and automated security and compliance as code. Al Donte Consulting’s experts include pioneers in the DevOps space who contributed to the development of foundational open-source tools that gave rise to the entire DevOps movement. Our consultants possess real-world experience in implementing DevSecOps across diverse environments, including 100% on-premises technology, 100% cloud-based solutions, or hybrid cloud/on-premises platforms. Al Donte Consulting’s DevSecOps training and consulting services deliver practical, real-life knowledge and experience to IT professionals at all levels, heightening their awareness and providing a clear roadmap to institutionalize DevSecOps within their organizations.


Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of frequently merging all developers’ code changes into a shared main codebase, often multiple times per day. Whenever changes are merged, an automated process kicks off, building the updated code and running a comprehensive suite of tests to ensure seamless integration, identify any regressions (reoccurrences of previously fixed defects), and verify overall functionality.


CI servers can be configured to automatically execute a wide range of tests, including intensive evaluations such as performance, stress, scalability, security, usability, and accessibility tests. The CI process is typically structured as an automated workflow pipeline, with parallel execution of steps wherever possible to optimize speed and efficiency.


Any test failures are immediately reported back to the developer who committed the changes, enabling rapid feedback and resolution. This continuous, real-time integration and testing approach empowers teams to maintain high code quality standards while minimizing manual overhead and delays.


The CI pipeline can encompass various stages, such as compiling code, running unit and integration tests, performing static code analysis, building deployment artifacts, and even provisioning and deploying to testing or staging environments. By automating these processes, CI fosters a culture of collaboration, frequent code integration, and early defect detection, ultimately accelerating the delivery of high-quality software.

Continuous Delivery

The process of releasing software to end-users can often be arduous, risky, and time-consuming. Continuous Delivery (CD) empowers large organizations to operate with the agility, innovation, and lean principles traditionally associated with startups. By enabling reliable, low-risk releases, CD makes it possible for organizations to continuously adapt their software in response to user feedback, market shifts, and evolving business strategies.


CD streamlines the software release process by automating the build, testing, and deployment stages, ensuring that code changes can be rapidly and safely promoted from development to production environments. This approach eliminates manual interventions and reduces the potential for human errors, minimizing the risks associated with releases.


Moreover, CD fosters a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility among cross-functional teams, including development, operations, and security. By integrating continuous testing and automated security checks into the delivery pipeline, CD helps organizations maintain high standards of quality and compliance throughout the software lifecycle.


With CD, organizations can confidently deploy updates and new features to production on a frequent and predictable cadence, allowing them to rapidly respond to changing market conditions, customer needs, and competitive landscapes. This continuous adaptation capability provides a significant competitive advantage, enabling organizations to deliver value to customers more quickly and effectively.

Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables the management and provisioning of data centers via machine-readable files, eliminating the need for physical setups or manual configuration tools. Al Donte Consulting utilizes IaC to oversee a mix of physical servers and virtual machines, streamlining technology infrastructure management through automation. This approach ensures rapid access to resources “just in time” and cost savings by quickly decommissioning unneeded resources. Troubleshooting configuration issues is significantly reduced, as IaC allows for the swift reclamation and replacement of problematic resources, enhancing efficiency and reliability.

Security Automation / Compliance as Code

DevSecOps embodies the principle that security is a collective responsibility, aiming to rapidly and broadly delegate security-related decisions to those with the most insight, without compromising safety. It strives to elevate individuals of varied skill levels to advanced security proficiency quickly, ensuring both speed and scale in the deployment of secure practices.

DevSecOps is focused on enhancing the organization’s security stance by meticulously identifying and rectifying each security vulnerability individually, prioritizing the most critical issues. It proactively identifies potential vulnerabilities, strategizing on avoidance or improvement from such weaknesses, thereby ensuring a more secure operational framework.

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